Honor a loved one, pay tribute to a friend, or mark a special anniversary or milestone while helping to care for and expand Rutgers Gardens and its collections.
Memorial Trees
Memorial Trees help to build the Rutgers Gardens teaching plant collections to benefit our students and also enhance the seasonal displays for the enjoyment of all, while serving as a tribute to your loved one.
Rutgers Gardens staff will collaborate with interested donors to select a tree species from the list of specimens needed in the Gardens. While the planting site is determined at the discretion of Rutgers Gardens, donor preference will be considered to the extent possible given site usage, environmental conditions, and water access.
A contribution of $2,000 is required for participation in the Memorial Tree program, which includes the tree planting and installation of a plaque in tribute to the designated honoree or occasion.
Though you can inquire about a Memorial Tree at any time, please note that, to maximize tree health and planting success, Memorial Tree plantings are done twice per year in the spring (May/June) and fall (September/October).
To begin the process of requesting a Memorial Tree, please complete our inquiry form or email Senior Program Coordinator Moira Keihm at moira.keihm@rutgers.edu.
Gifts, Planned Gifts, and Other Ways to Make an Impact
Gifts of all sizes play a critical role in supporting Rutgers Gardens’ service to the community, education for students, and research for society. There are several ways to make an impact at the Gardens—through current cash gifts, deferred or planned gifts, gifts of stock or securities, and noncash gifts.
The Rutgers University Foundation is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization. Gifts made through the Foundation to support Rutgers Gardens are deductible for federal income, gift, and estate tax purposes.
For more information, contact Lauren Errickson, Director of Rutgers Gardens and Campus Stewardship, at 848-932-7000 or via email at lauren.errickson@rutgers.edu.
Matching Gifts
Many companies and foundations sponsor matching gift programs for their employees’ philanthropic interests. These companies may be willing to double or even triple the value of charitable gifts made by employees or their spouses. In these instances, you will be recognized for the full amount of your gift, plus any employer match.
To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please search this database.
Payroll Deduction
Rutgers employees can make charitable contributions to the university by payroll deduction. To sign up, please visit this Rutgers University Foundation website. Thank you for cultivating inquisitive minds, great plants, and inspiring gardening through educational exploration and enjoyment by supporting Rutgers Gardens.
Budding Beds
Thank you to all who sponsored a flower bed in the Donald B. Lacey Display Garden in 2024! Please inquire about a Budding Bed for 2025 by emailing Moira Keihm at moira.keihm@rutgers.edu.